Five Features that Make Innova Skillshot a Must-Buy Product

When disc golfing is your life, having a portable disc golf basket can be quite wonderful, especially if you often relocate it somewhere new. An Innova Skillshot disc golf basket is one of the modern-day baskets that are easy to place and carry. These disc golf baskets are sturdily built ensuring that you enjoy your game wherever you are. The Innova Skillshot disc golf basket is a lightweight basket that can be folded to the size of a golf umbrella. The basket supports a flag on the top that reads the wind direction. The basket is flexible and can be easily mounted on hillsides. It’s a perfect product for education programs, gym classes, and is also approved by PDGA for play. The portable disc golf basket also supports 16 real chains. An Innova Skillshot disc golf basket is a handy disc golf target that supports the following features: 1. Golf Umbrella – Easy to pop up and collapse. 2. ...