Choose Right Disc Golf Basket according to Game and Target

Every American citizen is well aware of disc golf, which has become the first choice of many athletes. Anyone who regularly plays disc golf is also accustomed to putting techniques and strategies. But the one thing that most players overlook is the type of Prodigy disc golf basket they use. Techniques and skills are important, but even the type of basket you are using plays a very crucial role in the game. all In order to choose the right one, you need to consider how many times the basket needs to be moved, and at which game or tournament it is going to be used. Let’s discuss what type of disc golf basket fits best under different conditions.

1.    Narrow-Target

When you are just practicing to fine-tune your putting, then you should choose the narrow target basket. This type of basket will give your brain the right training to properly hit the smaller targets. This will surely make you miss putts more in practice but it will make you more capable in the longer term.

2.    Light-Duty

Light-Duty baskets are considered as the slim-down version of heavy-duty baskets. They are foldable, easy to carry, and above all, they are inexpensive. Light-duty baskets are a good choice if you keep changing your playing location. 

3.    Heavy-Duty

Heavy-duty baskets are entirely professional baskets which are mostly used during disc golf tournaments. Using this type of baskets will increase your chances of winning, as they are used in every-day competition. They are strong and sturdy enough to last long but also come with a slightly higher price tag.

On the Ending Note

If you want to buy a premium-quality prodigy disc golf basket, then check out the official website of Disc Golf Baskets right away.


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