Disc Golf Targets that You Can Consider Buying

The sport of disc golf is becoming more and more popular each day. Part of the reason is that it uses discs instead of balls. The rules are very similar to golf, with the flying disc and basket goals as the main exceptions. Players try to land their disc in the baskets with least amount of throws. The player with the lowest score at the end of a round is the winner.

Here are some of the durable disc golf baskets you should consider buying in order to create your own course:

1.    GrowTheSport 2.0 Portable Disc Golf Basket: This is the highest value of disc golf basket that your money can buy. It is upgraded with a reinforced structure and two rows of chains. Some of its important features include 27 chain basket, durable powder coat finish, heavy duty chains, PDGA Champion Level Approved, Easy knob bolts, etc.

2.    Prodigy Mobile Disc Golf Basket: It is a lightweight, portable disc golf basket that you can use for your practice sessions just about anywhere. It can be purchased with or without a Carry Case to store and transport it. It has a collapsible and portable design, and it is known for its championship Level catching ability.

3.      Dynamic Discs Recruit Disc Golf Basket: For practice sessions, this is the perfect option for you. Its wheelbase allows you to take it anywhere you want, and it comes with powder coating and two-part pole that results in easy trunk transportation.

If you are interested in buying any of these disc golf targets, Disc Golf Baskets is the best website for you. Visit our official website and place your order for these baskets. We are sure that you won’t find any of these at such affordable prices anywhere else.


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