Why Buy a MVP Black Hole Basket for your Game?

Disc golf has gained a lot of popularity over the years. Players are buying portable and permanent baskets for practice and competitive sessions respectively. Out of many disc golf baskets available in the market, the MVP black hole baskets are known to be some of the best. Their price and their features make them top of the line. Let’s take a glance at the features of MVP black hole baskets that make them the best disc golf baskets.

The MVP black hole baskets are among the best disc golf baskets that you will ever buy. We understand that when a player buys a basket for his game, he expects it to be versatile and durable. The choice of the right disc golf basket depends on the player’s preferences.

Features of MVP Black Hole Baskets:

  1. MVP black hole basket is available in both permanent and portable versions.
  2. It comes in matte black, blue, red, white, and yellow color header band options.
  3. It is a durable basket that has a galvanized and powder coated shell for better durability and protection.
  4. It has 30 stainless steel heavy duty weighted chains.
  5. These baskets are PDGA championship level approved.
  6. The basket’s design combines chain geometry, quality, and quantity to provide the best catching experience.
  7. All of its joints are properly welded for a better performance.
  8. Its base, cage, and pole/sleeve are hot-dipped galvanized.
  9. You get 9 and 18 hole courses options to buy the baskets.

Buy the best MVP black hole baskets at the official website of Disc Golf Baskets. We are offering a huge range of disc golf baskets that you won’t get from anywhere else. Visit our official website for more details.


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