A Beginner’s Guide To Choosing The Right Disc Golf Equipment

 Disc golf shares the same highs and lows as golf, from sinking a long putt to hitting a tree in the fairway. The only difference here is that instead of balls and clubs, players use a flying disc. A golf disc is thrown from a tee area to a target area —most commonly, it is an elevated portable disc golf basketThere are not many rules for a beginner, but some tips can help you find the right items to use to make your first outings more enjoyable.

Choosing Distance Drivers

New players should not buy distance and fairway drivers until they learn to develop the right technique. In case you can’t resist, you can purchase lightweight discs (between 160 to 170 grams) for longer drives and better results.

Choosing Midranges

If you are a beginner to this game, then stick with midranges as your highest speed discs to improve your control and gain the distance you are looking for. Try to start with a straight or neutral flying disc. Check its flight numbers if you are not sure how a disc will fly. Weight matters less for choosing a midrange.


Choosing Putters

When it comes to choosing putter, beginners have a lot of freedom. The only criterion is to check the disc weight and how it feels in your hand. You want to be sure you can grip it comfortably.

In case you are wondering where to buy these disc golf supplies with ease, head over to the online store of discgolfbaskets.com.









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