Dimensions Of Portable And Permanent Disc Golf Baskets

There was a time when disc golf was just a sport, but now it’s a culture and way of life. These days disc Golf is soaring in popularity and so are its accessories, like disc golf baskets. The days are long gone when disc golf courses were made using fence posts, trees, and park equipment.

With the rise in the popularity and wider use of disc golf baskets, much was decided through debates about the “size of the target in the disc golf game, i.e. Disc Golf Baskets.” The size of Disc Golf Baskets has been debated extensively among elite disc golf players and their fans for as long as the sport has been around.

What are the PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) basket dimensions and specs? What is a disc golf basket’s official height? What is its diameter? From where can you buy a PDGA championship disc golf basket? 


With a little curiosity, you can find all the required accessories for Disc Golf just about anywhere. Don’t let the curiosity just churn over in your mind. Read on to know the answers to your questions.

       The overall height of a disc golf basket should be at least 52 inches and should not exceed 56 inches from the base to the top of the basket.

       The deep catching basket measures 9 inches.

       When it comes to the diameter, a minor change can alter the nature of your disc golf game. The PDGA championship approved basket rim is 22 inches in diameter. The lower power coated basket is usually larger and measures 26 inches.

Disc golf can prove to be as challenging and frustrating as real golf. What turns this frustration into fun, and challenge into opportunity, is the investment in the right disc golf basket to boost your practice sessions. Visit discgolfbaskets.com now to buy a perfect portable or permanent disc golf basket with just a few hundred bucks! 



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